Ricky was two weeks old when he had his first photo session. He was sweet as can be, however he was already a very alert baby and not one to like being fussed with. Although it took extra time and patience It was a pleasure to capture this little cutie. I'm just loving newborn photography! Newborns are just so sweet and precious! The way they smell, the funny noises they make, and their cute little faces. They grow so fast though so it's important to capture their tiny newborn features before they grow up into walking and talking little people! Lucky me I get to see this little guy grow up!

Deanna Paul is a photographer specializing in family photography; including, maternity, newborn, children, portraits and lifestyle sessions.
Based in and serving Roseville, California and surrounding areas.
telephone: 916-254-8722
email: deanna@deannapaulphotography.com